Dads an alien
And alias end
Dead in nasal
Alien and sad
Sienna lad ad
Aid nasal end
David Bowie goes down to the arts lab at the Three Tuns Pub with a huge alligator on a leash. He walks over to the bar and orders a beer. The Bartender says “Sorry Mr. Bowie. You can´t bring that alligator in here! It´s a dangerous animal and you´re scaring all the other patrons!”
Sure enough David looks around and notices everyone standing on the tables, looking very nervous. “Wait” he cries “This alligator is tame! It won´t hurt anyone!”
The bartender, however, is adamant. David continues, “If I can prove to you that this alligator is not vicious can he stay then?” “Well I guess so,” says the bartender, “But you´re gonna have a hell of a time convincing the people here that that beast of yours is tame!”
David smiles and leans over the alligator. “Ralph!” he shouts. “Sit up.” With that, he beats the alligator on the head with his fist three times. BANG BANG BANG. The alligator rears up on it´s tail. “Ralph, open your mouth.” BANG BANG BANG
The alligator then opens it´s huge mouth wide, revealing row upon row of gleaming white teeth. David pulls out his wanger and lays it in the alligators mouth. The entire bar crowd gasps. “Ralph! Close your mouth but don´t bite.” BANG BANG BANG
As David pummels the alligator on the head the giant mouth slowly closes, stopping just short of biting Davids dick off. The crowd sighs. David says “Ralph, open your mouth.” BANG BANG BANG. The alligators mouth opens wide again.
“There,” says David to the crowd. “Now would anyone else like to try this?” A blonde in the back of the bar gets out of her chair and says “Yeah alright, I´ll give it a try. But only if you promise not to hit me on the head so hard.”
And alias end
Dead in nasal
Alien and sad
Sienna lad ad
Aid nasal end
David Bowie goes down to the arts lab at the Three Tuns Pub with a huge alligator on a leash. He walks over to the bar and orders a beer. The Bartender says “Sorry Mr. Bowie. You can´t bring that alligator in here! It´s a dangerous animal and you´re scaring all the other patrons!”
Sure enough David looks around and notices everyone standing on the tables, looking very nervous. “Wait” he cries “This alligator is tame! It won´t hurt anyone!”
The bartender, however, is adamant. David continues, “If I can prove to you that this alligator is not vicious can he stay then?” “Well I guess so,” says the bartender, “But you´re gonna have a hell of a time convincing the people here that that beast of yours is tame!”
David smiles and leans over the alligator. “Ralph!” he shouts. “Sit up.” With that, he beats the alligator on the head with his fist three times. BANG BANG BANG. The alligator rears up on it´s tail. “Ralph, open your mouth.” BANG BANG BANG
The alligator then opens it´s huge mouth wide, revealing row upon row of gleaming white teeth. David pulls out his wanger and lays it in the alligators mouth. The entire bar crowd gasps. “Ralph! Close your mouth but don´t bite.” BANG BANG BANG
As David pummels the alligator on the head the giant mouth slowly closes, stopping just short of biting Davids dick off. The crowd sighs. David says “Ralph, open your mouth.” BANG BANG BANG. The alligators mouth opens wide again.
“There,” says David to the crowd. “Now would anyone else like to try this?” A blonde in the back of the bar gets out of her chair and says “Yeah alright, I´ll give it a try. But only if you promise not to hit me on the head so hard.”
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3 kommentarer:
Varför har inte Cracked Actor blivit ansedd som ett Bowiemästerverk? Jag har aldrig sett en enda samling där den finns med. Skumt. Börjar nedräkningen nu? Personligen skulle jag placera AS på min David top 3.
Vilket Bowiefan anser inte att det är ett mästerverk I wonder? Han/de envisas ju dock med att bara klämma in singlarna på samlingarna (Jean Genie, Drive in Saturday dvs). Han körde Cracked Actor både på Serious Moonlight och ...hours-turnéerna dock. Tror att texten var snuskig för amerikansk radio också.....
Aladdin är faktiskt även på min DB Topp 3 (vilket alltså betyder att endast två återstår på listan nu!)
...sorry, 3, räknade lite fel...
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